Passion in Action – June 3rd
11am – 3pm, Nevada County Fairgrounds, Main Street Center Building & Lawn
Anyone who lives or visits Nevada County knows it’s a special place; and it’s not just because of the beautiful scenery and iconic history. Our community is rich with individuals and nonprofit organizations that enhance our lives every day with their commitment to help people connect, grow and thrive.
This unique event will provide not only the opportunity, but the space, to encourage individuals with a passion, and the desire to put that passion into action, to find an organization that will provide the place to make that action a reality. Attendees will be able to explore both Volunteer and Job opportunities.
The Passion in Action event will see dozens of local nonprofit and community impact organizations, including the Nevada County Fair, participating as ‘vendors’ of volunteer and job opportunities. These groups will be ready to share their needs and employment options with job seekers and volunteers as they seek to engage civically minded community members in their work.
Brought to you in partnership with the Nevada County Fair, this FREE to the public event will be a delightful afternoon of community and connection. Food vendors will be on hand to offer visitors a snack or beverage as they explore the many community impact organizations. Enjoy for-purchase-fare from Top Dog, Coco’s Creamery and Java John’s.
Review the ever growing list of organizations that will be at the event! Check back often for a current list!
- Bright Futures for Youth
- Center for Nonprofit Leadership
- Citizens for Choice
- Community Beyond Violence
- Connecting Point/Volunteer Hub
- County of Nevada
- Engaged Services
- Food Bank of Nevada County
- Forest Trails Alliance
- Gold Country Senior Services
- HomeShare American River
- Hospice of the Foothills
- InConcert Sierra
- Interfaith Food Ministry
- League of Women Voters
- Miners Foundry Cultural Center
- Music in the Mountains
- Nevada County Arts Council
- Nevada County Fair
- Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundation
- Nevada County Habitat for Humanity
- Nevada County Historical Society
- Nevada County Media
- Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
- North Star Historic Conservancy
- One Source-Empowering Caregivers
- Saint Joseph’s Cultural Center and Grass Valley Museum
- Sierra Family Health Center
- Sierra Harvest
- Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
- Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation
- Sierra Roots
- Stanford Sierra Youth & Families
Nonprofit? Register for a Booth NOW!
Partner agencies and CNL are working hard to promote and gather community to attend this event. We hope you and your organization will join us! Deadline to register is May 29th. To be included in the listing of organizations in The Union Ads, booth registration must be complete by May 16th.
Booth Fees: For CNL member organizations, the size of your annual expense budget determines your booth fee amount. Not-yet-Members pay the full fee.
- Up to $250,000 – $50
- $250,000 – 1, 000, 000 – $75
- Over $1,000,000 – $100
- Not-yet-Members – $150
Review our Check List of items to have prepared for June 3rd!
Do you have in place:
- List of Staff and Volunteer Jobs/Tasks
- Descriptions for each
- An application for potential staff and volunteers
- Messaging around your programs
- Messaging around your staff and volunteer needs
- A vetting and/or recruitment process (particularly if required by law)
- A handbook or document with expectations
- An orientation/onboarding process
- Job specific training options
- Do you use tracking software or processes? If not, what’s your plan
- An evaluation process
- A stewardship plan to build relationships

Thank you to our Partner-Sponsors: