Friday, April 5, 2019
8:30am – 12:30pm
Why is it that some fundraising programs do better than others when the organizations have the same basic plan? Whether your organization is just starting out or one that has never been terribly successful with your fundraising efforts, sometimes figuring first or next steps can be a hurdle.
Often organizations overlook the basic building blocks that are essential in designing your fundraising strategy.
This is not your typical basic fundraising workshop! Together, with presenter, Kimberly Parker, CFRE, Executive Director of Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation, we’ll explore the fundamentals that need to be in place before you start or revive a struggling fundraising program.
If you are an Executive Director or staff member that needs to work on fundraising without a clue of where to begin or a Board member or committee chair that has been assigned the task of leading the fundraising effort, this four hour session will share tools to assess your organization’s fundraising readiness as well as tips to help you create or elevate your basic fundraising program.
Click HERE to learn more about Kimberly.
Suggested Participants: Executive Directors, Organizational Staff and Board Members focused on fundraising
Date & Time: Friday, April 5th, 8:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Seventh Day Adventist Church, 12889 Osborne Hill Rd, Grass Valley