Info Session: Take Control of Your Finances

Understanding Nonprofit Financial Leadership

There is an important distinction between financial management and financial leadership. Financial management is the collecting of financial data, production of financial reports, and solutions of near-term financial issues. Financial leadership, on the other hand, is guiding a nonprofit organization to sustainability. To be a successful financial leader, you must be ever mindful of essential nonprofit business concepts and realities.

Whether you are an executive director, staff or board member, this is an opportunity to ensure that you and your organization have the understanding and knowledge to be good financial stewards in today’s world of expected transparency.

Join CNL and presenter, Dave Scinto of local CPA firm, Scinto Group, for this two hour info session focusing on several key areas including:

  • Who are we accountable to?
  • How do I know if my organization is sustainable?
  • When do I need a financial statement audit and what should I know about 990s?
  • Is endowment an option?
  • Do I need gift acceptance policies?
  • Does fraud really happen?

…and more!

Suggested Participants: Executive Directors, Financial staff and Board Members
Date and Time: November 3, 2017 – 8:30am – 10:30am
Location: Conference Room at Owens Estate and Wealth, 426 Sutton Way, Suite 110, Grass Valley

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors & Session Underwriter:








Talk Like TED: Creating a Dynamic Presentation

“Ideas are the currency of the 21st Century,” says Carmine Gallo in his bestselling book Talk Like TED.

For nonprofit organizations and small businesses to reach their maximum potential, they must be able to communicate their ideas and tell their stories in ways that capture the attention of partners, donors, volunteers, and the public.

Do you ever wonder what “IT” is that makes a presentation stand out and resonate within you?

There are actual studies that show how the human brain works and assimilates information. There are also defined boundaries in “TED-World”; ones that help deliver a memorable and impactful message.  The concept of the TED Talk addresses this.  Participants in this session will learn many the of the public speaking strategies outlined in the book and practice the skills necessary to deliver memorable, effective, and “jaw-dropping” presentations.

Attendees will:

  • Dissect a real Ted-style talk and gain the understanding of how & why it works.
  • Learn how to identify and define your focused ideas.
  • Create an outline/framework from which to develop your own messaging in TED-style to impact the organization, business or causes you care about.

Join CNL and presenter, Janice Dunn, to find out what a TED talk is and how you can create and deliver one of your own!

Part of this CNL presentation will be given “workshop” style, which means there will be interaction and collaborative work.

Suggested Participants: Anyone who communicates on behalf of an organization or business
Date and Time: October 13, 2017 – 8:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Seventh Day Adventist Church,  2889 Osborne Hill Rd, Grass Valley (off Hwy 174)

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors:

The Lee & Dunn Group
Doug Summers

Board Essentials: Getting To Great

Are you a current or emerging board member who aspires to be a vital part of your favorite organization?

Do you want to take your board role to the next level and increase your value?

Then you will want to join us for this CNL Board Development workshop.  It has been designed with an eye to current and  emerging or new board members looking to strengthen their effectiveness.

Participants will come away KNOWing the 10 essential functions charged to those serving on nonprofit boards.  You will learn how to BE a role model and adopt the attributes of a strong, effective  director.  And finally, leave prepared to DO the rewarding work of a productive leadership team.

Attendees will:
KNOW: Examine what is behind the 10 roles and responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board member
BE:  Explore the qualities and traits of a great board member
DO:  Get tools and approaches around the 3 areas of responsibility:  Leadership, Fiscal and Fiduciary

Workshop attendees will also receive a Glossary of important nonprofit terms as well as examples and templates.

Invest in yourself and build your governance capabilities…
join CNL and Get to GREAT!

This workshop is offered twice a year in February and September.  Be sure ALL your board members are on their way to GREAT!

Suggested Participants: Board Members – New, Potential and those currently serving and looking to strengthen their effectiveness, Executive Directors & Staff wishing to learn and support their directors.
Date and Time: Thursday, September 14th -5:00pm – 8:00pm

Thanks to our Generous Sponsors:


Emily’s Catering & Cakes

Info Session: Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

With an ever-growing list of to-do’s, the idea of marketing and promoting your organization can seem overwhelming. Don’t let the busy work get in the way of real results, new customers and clients, and being creative.

In this brief and informative 2-hour session, Jesse Locks will cover 5 simple ways to market your organization for the
biggest bang for your buck! Attendees will examine a variety of case studies of organizations that have applied the 80/20 rule – the assumption that most of the results in any situation are determined by a small number of causes – and had great success.

The session will also evaluate the most effective platforms and modes of communication, and how to maximize each for YOUR organization.

Our Presenter:
Jesse Locks is a communications specialist with seventeen years of experience in publishing, film, radio, and multimedia. Currently, Jesse is the Festival Director of the award-winning Nevada City Film Festival, guide for Folk Trails Hiking Club, and owner of Locks Media Group, a creative marketing, communications and multimedia
firm. She serves on the board of directors for the NEO Youth Center and is an active volunteer with The Friendship Club.

Her writing has been featured in publications such as Thrasher, Heckler, Venus Zine, Alternative Press, Tape Op, Seattle Weekly, Arthur Magazine and ESPN. She was named one of the top 25 “New Creatives” in Northern California by Sacramento News & Review, one of 50 “Emerging Sages” by the Center for Nonprofit Leadership, and is an alumni of the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture Leadership Institute.

Jesse graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a BA in Literature and Journalism.

When: Friday, June 23rd,  8:30am – 10:30am
Where: Conference Room at Owens Estate and Wealth, 426 Sutton Way, Suite 110, Grass Valley
Suggested Participants: All members of any organization responsible for promoting, communicating or otherwise engaging the community on the organization’s behalf

Thank You to our Session Underwriter

Owens Logo 2015





People Power: Crafting a Dynamic & Compliant Human Resources Structure

People power our organizations, and solid structures support them. This session will cover human resources basics: from documentation and record-keeping to management and team building. No matter your organization’s size, you will walk away with essential understanding of how to manage and protect your most important resource: your people (employees, volunteers and board).  Join expert presenters, John Lamb & Renee Mayne as they not only address the ‘must haves’ inside every organization but also answer the many questions that arise when delving into the topic of Human Resources and compliance.

Sampling of topics covered:

  • Legal Compliance by organizational size
  • Recruitment & Hiring, including Job Descriptions and Status(Exempt vs. Non-Exempt/Volunteer-Employee)
  • Policies vs. Practices
  • And MORE!

Our Presenters:

Renée Mayne, M.A., SPHR  – has worked in human resources and labor relations for 30 years. She now works as an Arbitrator and Mediator, and Adjunct Faculty teaching human resources, labor negotiation and conflict resolution.

John Lamb –  has an extensive background in human resources management working with tech companies including AvantGo, Responsys and Oracle. He is co-owner, with his wife Janet, of Lamb’s Victorian Inn and is a member of the Board of Directors at The Center for the Arts.

Suggested Participants:  Executive Directors, Staff and Board Members responsible for Human Resources information, implementation and compliance
May 12, 2017 – 8:30am – 12:30pm

Thank you to our Generous Sponsor:

Valerie M. Logsdon




Expanding the Pie – Planned Giving Strategies You Can Apply Today

Planned giving seems to be the unicorn of fundraising- mythical in its benefits and unattainable in its mysticism.  This program will demystify planned giving in four steps- an introduction to planned gifts, tips for talking about money, practical application of planned giving techniques, and effective administration- so that you can leave at the end of the day confident in your ability to reach out to your donors in support of your organization’s long-term needs.

In this four-hour program, you will:

  1. Learn the major types and characteristics of planned gifts;
  2. learn which planned giving tools your organization can implement today to start creating a reliable pipeline of current and deferred planned gifts;
  3. develop the skills to talk to donors about opportunities to give; and
  4. learn best practices to maximize planned gifts through effective administration.

Join our expert presenters Kevin T. Crilly, Executive Director of Gift Planning, University of California, Berkeley and Dylan Hendricks, Esq., Hendricks McFarlane, Attorneys at Law. Kevin has spent 23 years working in the field of gift planning, including more than 11 years as team lead at UC Berkeley. Local attorney Dylan maintains a practice focused on estate planning, trust and probate administration, conservatorships, and charitable advising.  Click HERE for their full bios.

You will leave this session with practical tools to immediately start or expand your planned giving efforts and to build planned giving into your long-term fundraising strategies.

Suggested Participants: Executive Directors, Development Directors/administrators, Board members, Book keepers & Professional Advisors
Date and Time: Friday, March 17th – 8:30am – 12:30pm
Location: 7th Day Adventist Church, 12889 Osborne Hill Rd, Grass Valley – off of Hwy 174

Thank You to our Generous Sponsors:

Terry Brown



Hendricks McFarlane, Attorneys at Law

Rich Keene, Law Offices of Minor & Keene

Board Essentials: Getting to Great

legs and arrows

Are you a current or emerging board member who aspires to be a vital part of your favorite organization?

Do you want to take your board role to the next level and increase your value?

Then you will want to join us for this CNL Board Development workshop.  It has been designed with an eye to current and  emerging or new board members looking to strengthen their effectiveness.

Participants will come away KNOWing the 10 essential functions charged to those serving on nonprofit boards.  You will learn how to BE a role model and adopt the attributes of a strong, effective  director.  And finally, leave prepared to DO the rewarding work of a productive leadership team.

Attendees will:
KNOW: Examine what is behind the 10 roles and responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board member
BE:  Explore the qualities and traits of a great board member
DO:  Get tools and approaches around the 3 areas of responsibility:  Leadership, Fiscal and Fiduciary

Workshop attendees will also receive a Glossary of important nonprofit terms as well as examples and templates.

Invest in yourself and build your governance capabilities…
join CNL and Get to GREAT!

Suggested Participants: Board Members – New, Potential and those currently serving and looking to strengthen their effectiveness, Executive Directors & Staff wishing to learn and support their directors.
Date and Time: Thursday, February 16th -5:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: United Methodist Church, Wesley Hall, 236 S. Church St. Grass Valley

Thank You to our Generous Sponsor:






No-Stress Strategic Planning

Timagesoo often, organizations’ strategic plans become the most expensive or exhausting paperweight on the desk. But we can bring life, learning, and utility back to this process – minus the stress. In this interactive and hands-on workshop, anyone can learn to effectively plan for their organization or a project.

To enhance the utility of this session, participants are encouraged to attend with colleagues as a group.

In this session, participants will:

  • Rethink when, why and how to engage in strategic planning
  • Learn the 6 S’s of strategic planning (scope, scan, see, select, set, share), including tools and processes that they can use with their organizations
  • Begin a draft of a strategic plan for their organizations or a plan and practice

Join CNL and presenter, Katie King to get a good grasp of your organizations future.

Katie is a  nonprofit consultant whose current clients include The San Diego Foundation, KnowledgeWorks, and Teach the Future.king-headshot Previously, she taught middle school English and worked as a Program Manager at The California Endowment. Her Master’s degree in Foresight from the University of Houston gives her the perfect skill set to help organizations understand and influence social change so they can effectively pursue their missions in the future.

Suggested Participants: Executive Directors, Project and Program Managers, and Board Members
Date and Time: Friday, January 20, 2017, 8:30a – 12:30p
Location: United Methodist Church, Wesley Hall, 236 S. Church St. Grass Valley