CNL Member since 2006

Founded: 2005
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Mission & Purpose:
The mission of Hospitality House is to provide the homeless with a compassionate place of rest, sustenance, dignity and hope. We do this by:
- providing pathways to independence;
- providing temporary, overnight housing/shelter;
- partnering with faith communities, social service agencies, and the general public;
- fostering dignity; providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support;
- serving all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, family status, or disability; and
- advocating for low income housing; supporting those who seek permanent housing; serving Nevada County.
Home is where the heart is. Because we all long for warmth, comfort, and safety, few losses strike more deeply into our lives than the loss of home. At Hospitality House, our hearts are with the homeless. These are our core values:
- We show compassionate behavior toward all people at all times.
- We work supportively with one another in a spirit of mutual appreciation for talents and abilities.
- We dedicate ourselves to the mission of the organization, manifesting in practical actions that turn short-and long-term goals into realities.
- We practice careful, sincere, and respectful listening that leads to mutual understanding, consensus building, and organizational stability.
- We strive for the courage and integrity to uphold the civil rights of all, even when doing so may offend those who are opposed to upholding such rights.
- We practice competent decision making in all areas that sustain the organization over time.
- We participate in extensive community involvement in a spirit of radical inclusiveness.
Success Story:
Hospitality House is the only emergency overnight homeless shelter in Nevada County. Studies have shown that the average person who is chronically homeless accesses $35,000-$150,000 per year in public services. By providing early crisis intervention and individualized case management, Hospitality House benefits our community by reducing the number of people who wind up in jail (costing an average of $145.00 per night), reducing visits to the hospital emergency room (costing an average of $3000 per visit), reducing dependence on public assistance programs, and reducing calls for service from law enforcement.
For those who don’t seek Hospitality House’s services, we have an outreach program. The Homeless Outreach Program uses case managers to go to where the homeless are in Nevada County and attempt to build connections and trust, help individuals receive benefits they are entitled to, secure stable housing, and connect with needed services.
Local law enforcement agencies, service agencies and concerned community members can call upon the outreach case managers to request contact be made with homeless persons in a neighborhood or shopping areas. In a unified response to the escalating problems facing homeless people in our community, Hospitality House, in partnership with the Nevada County Behavioral Health Department and the Grass Valley Police Department, has created a Street Outreach Response Team designed to meet both the critical needs of homeless people, and address the concerns of community members whose lives and livelihoods have been affected by the growing number of homeless citizens in Grass Valley. Hospitality House also recently partnered with Nevada City Police Department to establish a permitted camping process for homeless individuals.
How we have benefited from being a member of CNL:
CNL provides a variety of relevant training and networking opportunities for staff and board members.
How to get involved: Volunteers are always needed for Hospitality House, at Utah’s Place, Bread & Roses Thrift and for special events. Potential tasks include: cooking meals, providing monitoring assistance at the shelter, processing donations at the thrift store and much more! Contact our Volunteer Manager at 530-615-0805 or