CNL Member since: 2008
Founded: 1978
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Twitter: cbv@commbcnv
Mission & Purpose:
The mission of Community Beyond Violence is to work with community partners in offering resources to build healthy adult relationships and heal the effects of interpersonal violence. Initially founded in 1978 as the Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalition (DVSAC) to promote peace, equality and save-havens for victims of domestic violence, Community Beyond Violence has been re-branded but the organization serves the same purpose – to serve as the primary resource for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in western Nevada County.

Success Story: Girl’s Circle Group-Union Hill School
Beginning in 2012, staff and trained volunteers from DVSAC/Community Beyond Violence co-facilitated a personal support program for 8-10 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls who were identified by Union Hill school counselors as potentially “at risk” of bullying in school.
Known as a Girls Circle, the girls and adults gradually got to know one another and feel safe enough to openly discuss their feelings of being “left out”, “unwanted” and “alone” at home. The commonalities among the girls and their experiences at home also transferred to bullying events they and others experienced at school The girls mapped the safe and unsafe places at school, recognized that adults were able to support them in anti-bullying efforts, and met with the school counselor who agreed to discuss their “map” with the rest of the school staff. These girls grew in self-confidence, leadership and compassionate support for one another outside of Girl’s Circle. Their school took steps to reduce bullying. We’re proud to say that these girls are now peer advocates on their campus and set positive examples for other students to follow.

How we have benefited from being a member of CNL:
A core piece of our mission is to work collaboratively with community partners to better provide for our clients and to be able to offer resources for any need they may have. Being a member of the Center for Non-profit Leadership has provided Community Beyond Violence with an amazing connection to other non-profits and community partners in Nevada County.
How someone can become involved with Community Beyond Violence: For volunteer opportunities, please contact us at 530-272-2046 extension 33.