CNL Member since 2013

Founded: 2007
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Mission & Purpose:
Sierra Harvest educates, inspires and connects families to fresh, local, seasonal food for 9,500 children, dozens of farmers, and thousands of community members in Nevada County. We provide farm-to-school education, support farmers to grow food in regenerative ways, and create equitable access to local foods for everyone.
Success Story:
In January 2018, Wyatt, a student at Union Hill School, didn’t eat fruits or vegetables. In fact, he was one of those kids who wouldn’t eat anything unless it was white or beige. His Mom didn’t know what to do. Sierra Harvest conducts Harvest of the Moon tastings of a seasonal fruit or vegetable in 96% of Western Nevada County 7-8 schools. Wyatt wouldn’t try any of it- not even strawberries or oranges!
Over time, Wyatt watched his friends try produce in the monthly tastings and from the farm carts. He went on a field trip to our educational farm, the Food Love Farm, were he got to pick and grill some vegetables; he even tried a tiny taste. One of the Food Love Farmers later came into the Union Hill classroom for a visit; guest chefs also came to class and cooked a recipe. By the time March rolled around, Wyatt was ready.
Cabbage was the Harvest of the Month and suddenly, Wyatt LOVED cabbage. In shock, his teacher called Mom with the news that “Your son is eating something green!” Wyatt went home with a small bag of cabbage and decided to try spinach the next month. Wyatt’s Mom now reports that Wyatt will eat all of the Harvest of the Month vegetables, but only if they are prepared JUST like there were at school.
This is jut example of how Sierra Harvest programs are changing children’s lives every day.
How CNL has helped our organization:
CNL provides education and information on relevant and trending topics that are critically important for nonprofit organizations. CNL gives us the opportunity to be connected to other successful nonprofits working with similar issues and goals in our own community. CNL provides the space and forum to network, collaborate and learn from one another.
How someone can become involved with Sierra Harvest:
Meet new friends, develop new skills and gain a sense of accomplishment by volunteering with Sierra Harvest. Bring fresh, healthy food and nutrition education to Nevada County families while also having fun. Earn discounts at Briar Patch Food Co-op as a volunteer with Sierra Harvest Complete an online volunteer application at: Opportunities include:
- AMBASSADORS: spread the word about Sierra Harvest and speak at Good Food Tours
- CARPENTERS: help with carpentry projects on our educational farm or at Sierra Garden Builds.
- CHEF/NUTRITION EDUCATORS: teach four classes of elementary school students how to cook with local, fresh produce during 3 weeks in October.
- PRODUCE TESTERS: lead produce tastings in the schools, monthly or as available.
- EVENT SUPPORTERS: assist with all aspects, before during and after events, including a fundraiser, farm conference and soup night.
- GARDENERS/FARM HELP: garden at the Food Love Farm on Tuesday and April/May; help with Sierra Garden Builds installing gardens & water systems and work with a farm-to-school liaison.
- GLEANERS: pick fruit and vegetables which are donated to the local food bank. Harvest leaders are always needed for this program.
- PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS: tell the visual photo of our story for the community.
- OFFICE WORKERS: help weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly with various office tasks.
- SUPPORT PERSONNEL: help posting information and staffing tables to share our work