Thousands of books and articles have been written about leadership, and there is a substantial body of literature on community development as well. But little has been said about a closely related subject: the civic engagement of sage leaders—the role that unusually talented men and women voluntarily play in sharing their experiences, judgment, and wisdom to advance the welfare of the communities in which they live.
Using the communities of Grass Valley and Nevada City as a back drop, this book tells a powerful story of the civic lives of 50 young and 50 senior sage leaders. It weaves together an impressive and rich narrative of history, interviews and reflection on the role of leadership in advancing the well-being of community. While these 100 are not the only sage leaders in Grass Valley and Nevada City, they are highly representative of those who are actively involved. You will come away with a rich understanding about the extraordinary lives of these civically engaged leaders and their gift of intergenerational bestowal.