Thursday, January 28th
10:30am – 12:00pm
Via Zoom
Presenter: Glen Drouin, Harbor HR
Cal/OSHA’s new emergency regulations require businesses to take additional steps to protect workers from COVID-19. These new regulations apply to all businesses and nonprofits in California effective immediately. Join CNL and Glen Drouin of Harbor HR for a 90-minute session aimed at making sure you have the understanding to implement and move ahead with these ever-changing laws and regulations.
Some of the requirements of these new regulations that will be addressed include:
- Employers written COVID-19 Prevention Program
- Process for screening employees for and responding to employees with COVID-19 symptoms
- Provision of training on policies and procedures that protect employees from COVID-19 hazards.
- Notification of COVID-19 exposure to employees while maintaining a case’s personal identifying information.
- Informing employees how to obtain COVID-19 testing.
- Maintaining employee’s job status including earnings, seniority, and all other employee rights and benefits if away from work due to COVID-19 issues
In addition to these regulations, California has some new-in-2021 labor laws specific to COVID-19 that makes management of the above items even more important. Along with those laws, Glen will briefly address the most pertinent labor laws that went into effect at the start of the year.
Date and Time: Thursday, January 28th – 10:30am – 12:00pm via Zoom
Pandemic Pricing: $20 – CNL Member organizations; $30 – Not-Yet-CNL Members (our pricing during this time is intended to help make professional development affordable for all – we are able to offer our members this reduced rate thanks to our generous sponsor)