Welcome Home Vets, Inc.

CNL Member since 2010

Founded: 2009

Visit website:  welcomehomevets.org
Contact Email:  info@welcomehomevets.org
Facebook: Facebook.com/welcomehomeets.org

Mission & Purpose:
Welcome Home Vets provides mental health services and advocacy for veterans and their family members and promotes community awareness of veterans’ issues.  Our primary service is treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Untreated, veterans with PTSD have a higher than normal rate for using emergency medical services, psychiatric hospitalization, arrest and incarceration, divorce, domestic abuse, unemployment , and suicide.  We have had very low rates for any of these issues among veterans we have served.

How our organization benefits from being a member of CNL:
CNL has been helpful in facilitating our collaboration with other nonprofit organizations in the area.  As an an all-volunteer organization with limited nonprofit experience, CNL workshops and information sessions have been invaluable in helping us navigate the ins and outs of being a nonprofit.