Board members and staff are told they have fiduciary responsibility and accountability for the nonprofit organization they are serving, but do most really understand what that means? What is financial oversight?
Reducing the mystery of nonprofit budgets, terminology, financial reporting, and audits ensures informed decisions are being made. This info session will focus on fund accounting, what to look for in a financial statement, EBIDA, the importance of cash flow projections when making business decisions, and what to look for in a budget.
You don’t have to be an accounting rock star to sit on a nonprofit board, but you do have a legal responsibility to protect its assets. Familiarizing yourself with its financial activities and supporting the implementation of best practices will help ensure your organization’s health and success.
Join CNL and presenter, Carry Canady, for this important session. Carry is a consultant and former CFO of Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. In her role there, Canady was responsible for administration of the revenue cycle, supply chain, informational technology and finance functions. With more than 25 years in healthcare management, she previously held similar roles at both Sutter Health in Sacramento and Fletcher Health Care in Vermont.
Suggested Participants: All Staff and Board Members who need to understand the finances of their organizations.
Date and Time: Friday, June 15th, 8:30am –10:30am
Location: Conference Room at Owens Estate and Wealth, 426 Sutton Way, Suite 110, Grass Valley (map)
Presenter: Carry Canady
Thank you to our Generous Session Underwriter: