Glen Drouin of Harbor HR is back to help our organizations know, embrace and comply with the many ins and outs of managing employees, all with an eye toward the challenges of business in a pandemic
When: Wednesday, March 24th
10:00am – 11:30am
Via Zoom
Presenter: Glen Drouin of Harbor HR
Free for CNL Members / $30 for Not-Yet-Members
This 90 minute training will cover:
Work from home/Remoter worker issues
- Time management
- Time tracking
- Onboarding new employees – – what do you need to do or provide – what should you do or provide?
- Updating safety protocols and disclosures
- Define policies and trainings needed or suggested for compliance, especially for those with 5 or more employees
Ongoing employee needs, even in the time of Covid
- Handling sick leave/pay
- Payroll schedules (exempt/non-exempt)
- What makes an exempt employee + review – contractor v. employee
Many Thanks to our Workshop Sponsors.
Their generosity and support allows CNL to provide trainings during these challenging times at a reduced rate or often, free of charge to staff and board members our member organizations.