Virtual Workshop: Seed Your Cause or Help It Grow to New Heights with Grassroots Fundraising

Wednesday, January 18th, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
On Zoom
Trainer: Allison Stelly
Cost: $30 – CNL Members;
$40 – Not-Yet-Members

We all love our major donors and our big grants.. but what happens when a funder’s priorities shift and you don’t get the expected renewal? Or what if you’re a newer organization and don’t yet have those major funders?

Being overly reliant on major donors or grant funding can put an organization in a vulnerable position, and it also means that a handful of individuals hold an awful lot of power in determining the direction of your work.

With grassroots fundraising, we focus on raising a lot of small gifts from a lot of people. We think about the number of gifts as opposed to the size of the gifts. We want to build a broad base of support and bring many people into engagement with our organizations.

  • It’s about raising funds directly from our communities.
  • It’s empowering, as anyone – even people impacted by the work we’re doing – can find a way to be involved in our great causes.
  • It shifts the balance of power and helps your organization to be more sustainable AND nimble!
  • It stems from social justice and movement-based organizations but has relevance for all of us, and especially as more and more of our organizations are incorporating a justice lens.
  • Finally, it has a low barrier to entry for organizations – grassroots fundraising can be done by anyone, with very little cost – and rapid payoff. While it can be time intensive, you can see funds quickly, as opposed to waiting a year for a grant to come in.

In this 90 minute workshop, we’ll talk through the various steps to building your grassroots fundraising strategy, which might include peer-to-peer campaigns, giving days, social media, direct mail, and phone banking or text banking. We’ll write calls to action together, we’ll talk about our biggest fundraising fears, we’ll talk about how to find those potential supporters, and we’ll start making a plan.
We hope you’ll join us to learn about adding grassroots fundraising to your toolbox – we want to see all of our causes grow bigger, stronger, and better than ever in 2023!

Trainer: Allison Stelly, Principal and CEO of Stelly Consulting, has been working as a nonprofit marketing, communications, and fundraising professional for over 15 years. She has been honored to work with such organizations as Preservation Sacramento, 916 Ink, the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, the Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce, and many more. She is passionate about helping small nonprofits leverage the power of storytelling to raise awareness, increase funding, engage more effectively with their community – and ultimately, build a better world. 

Suggested participants: Staff, board, or volunteers who work on fundraising for their organizations
Date and Time:  Wednesday, January 18th 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Cost: $30 – CNL Members; $40 – Not-Yet-Members (registration deadline: Monday, January 16th
Location: Zoom – attendees will receive link after registration and payment are confirmed