Your Annual Report: To Post or Not To Post

In preparing this newsletter for our member agencies, we found that very few local nonprofits post their annual reports on their website.  The ones that did made it easy to find; they either had an “Annual Report” link in the main menu or they linked their annual reports in an “About Us” section on their website.  In an effort to be as transparent as possible, it is considered a best practice to make your annual report available on your website if you can.  Here are some examples of annual reports that we and some of our nonprofits have made available to their constituents online.

Center for Nonprofit Leadership did a basic, no-frills Annual Report in 2015 using infographics to tell the story of their past year. Check it out HERE along with years’ past.

Not all Annual Reports are done in-house and if you want a high quality professional document or interactive digital presentation you may want to provide the content and photos and engage a third party to produce it for you in a professional package. Sierra Harvest did just that; see their current report HERE.

Another Annual Report of this caliber was produced by Hospice of the Foothills. See their report HERE.

We also wanted to give you an example of what an interactive online annual report can look like if you have the means to create one.  THIS is one from Compass Point.