How to Human Resources in the Time of Covid

Glen Drouin of Harbor HR is back to help our organizations know, embrace and comply with the many ins and outs of managing employees, all with an eye toward the challenges of business in a pandemic

When: Wednesday, March 24th
10:00am – 11:30am
Via Zoom
Presenter: Glen Drouin of Harbor HR

Free for CNL Members / $30 for Not-Yet-Members

This 90 minute training will cover:

Work from home/Remoter worker issues

  • Time management
  • Time tracking
  • Onboarding new employees – – what do you need to do or provide – what should you do or provide?
  • Updating safety protocols and disclosures
  • Define policies and trainings needed or suggested for compliance, especially for those with 5 or more employees

Ongoing employee needs, even in the time of Covid

  • Handling sick leave/pay
  • Payroll schedules (exempt/non-exempt)
  • What makes an exempt employee + review – contractor v. employee

Many Thanks to our Workshop Sponsors.
Their generosity and support allows CNL to provide trainings during these challenging times at a reduced rate or often, free of charge to staff and board members our member organizations.

Terry Brown
Full Circle Financial

Effective Virtual Engagement: Tools & Techniques for Leading Virtual Meetings & Trainings

March 17th 
9:30am – 11:00am
Via Zoom

Your online meetings run differently. Your audience is more easily distracted and the interface presents challenges. This Effective Virtual Engagement workshop gives proven techniques to help you lead your next virtual meeting or training & up-level your presentations. Join CNL and Salvatore Manzi, a masterful Communications trainer for this fun and engaging 90-minute training – learn how to make your meetings SHINE!

In this training, learn:

  • Audience Engagement Techniques
  • Virtual Team Building Activities
  • Non-Verbal Tips for Online Presence
  • Designing Breakouts that Work
  • Cross-Cultural Awareness Strategies
  • Plus many more Virtual Best Practices
Salvatore Manzi
Facilitator • Coach • Trainer

Salvatore has helped 100’s of leaders level-up their communication skills. With 20+yrs in Organizational Development, he effectively facilitates custom-tailored meetings, trainings and retreats globally.

Many thanks to our workshop sponsor

Date and Time: Wednesday, March 17th – 9:30am – 11:00am via Zoom

How to Use QuickBooks to Effectively Run Your Nonprofit (and get the answers you need!)

When: Monday AND Wednesday, March 8th & 10th
3:00pm – 4:30pm
Via Zoom
Presenter: Ean Murphy of Moxie Bookkeeping

Free for CNL Members / $30 for Not-Yet-Members

Nonprofit bookkeeping is unique.  Many great bookkeepers stumble when it comes to understanding the complexities of nonprofit finance.   In this 2-part workshop, we will cover what makes nonprofit accounting unique, how to structure the different lists in QuickBooks so that they produce the reports you need, as well as best practices for good internal communication and controls.   We will define terminology but won’t be using jargon! 


  • What is the difference between Cash and Accrual accounting 
  • What the different List options are in QB and how to most effectively use each one
  • How to decide if something is an Account, Class, or Job
  • What information you need to give your bookkeeper for accurate data entry
  • Best practices for separation of duties to prevent problems in your bookkeeping
  • Reports and how to they can provide the information you need including: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash Flows and Balance Sheet

This training will be a hands-on experience, using your own organizations’ information to fully understand how the concepts and ideas directly work inside your existing books.  You are asked to have a device with your QuickBooks company accessible for both sessions. In order to get the most out of this training, attendees should plan to attend both sessions.

It is designed for the following attendees:

  • Executive Directors
  • Finance Managers
  • Bookkeepers (both professional & internal data entry individuals)
  • Anyone in the organization that requires understanding of the ins and outs of data entry and reporting in QuickBooks
Doug Summers

Many Thanks to our Workshop Sponsor.
Their generosity and support allows CNL to provide this training free of charge
to staff and board members our member organizations.

Virtual Workshop: Board Essentials – Getting to Great

When: Monday AND Wednesday, February 22nd & 24th
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Via Zoom

Are you a current or emerging board member who aspires to be a vital part of your favorite organization?

Do you want to take your board role to the next level and increase your value?

Then you will want to join us for this CNL Board Development workshop. It has been designed with an eye to current and emerging or new board members looking to strengthen their effectiveness.

This signature training is being offered in a virtual format and will take place over two 2-hour sessions. Expect some pre-reading and ‘ review homework’ between the two days. Registration is for the full 4-hour training.

Participants will come away KNOWing the 10 essential functions charged to those serving on nonprofit boards. You will learn how to BE a role model and adopt the attributes of a strong, effective director. And finally, leave prepared to DO the rewarding work of a productive leadership team.

Attendees will:
KNOW: Examine what is behind the 10 roles and responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board member
BE: Explore the qualities and traits of a great board member
DO: Get tools and approaches around the 3 areas of responsibility: Leadership, Fiscal and Fiduciary

Workshop attendees will also receive a Glossary of important nonprofit terms as well as examples and templates.

Invest in yourself and build your governance capabilities…
join CNL and Get to GREAT!

Click HERE to learn about this workshop’s presenters, Debbie Arakel-Sheppard and Wendy Willoughby, they have worked together for over 6 years, offering this training through CNL and beyond.

Suggested Participants: Board Members – New, Potential and those currently serving and looking to strengthen their effectiveness, Executive Directors & Staff wishing to learn and support their directors.
Date and Time: Monday AND Wednesday, February 22nd & 24th : 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Virtual Workshop: Employer Regulations and Labor Law Requirements – What You Need to Know for 2021

Thursday, January 28th
10:30am – 12:00pm
Via Zoom
Presenter: Glen Drouin, Harbor HR

Cal/OSHA’s new emergency regulations require businesses to take additional steps to protect workers from COVID-19.  These new regulations apply to all businesses and nonprofits in California effective immediately. Join CNL and Glen Drouin of Harbor HR for a 90-minute session aimed at making sure you have the understanding to implement and move ahead with these ever-changing laws and regulations.

Some of the requirements of these new regulations that will be addressed include:

  • Employers written COVID-19 Prevention Program
  • Process for screening employees for and responding to employees with COVID-19 symptoms
  • Provision of training on policies and procedures that protect employees from COVID-19 hazards.
  • Notification of COVID-19 exposure to employees while maintaining a case’s personal identifying information.
  • Informing employees how to obtain COVID-19 testing.
  • Maintaining employee’s job status including earnings, seniority, and all other employee rights and benefits if away from work due to COVID-19 issues

In addition to these regulations, California has some new-in-2021 labor laws specific to COVID-19 that makes management of the above items even more important.  Along with those laws, Glen will briefly address the most pertinent labor laws that went into effect at the start of the year.

Many thanks to our workshop sponsor

Date and Time: Thursday, January 28th – 10:30am – 12:00pm via Zoom
Pandemic Pricing: $20 – CNL Member organizations; $30 – Not-Yet-CNL Members (our pricing during this time is intended to help make professional development affordable for all – we are able to offer our members this reduced rate thanks to our generous sponsor)