Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains

CNL Member since 2022

Founded: 1994

Visit Website: uwnc.org
Contact Email: info@uugrassvalley.org
Facebook: facebook.com/UUCMinGV
Instagram: instagram.com/UUCMinGV

Mission & Purpose:
With courageous love and a sense of wonder, we cultivate our spiritual, emotional, and intellectual strength to create a world more compassionate, sustainable, and just.

Success Story:
We have a strong Justice group. UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface.

How our organization benefits from being a member of CNL:
Greater community connections.

How to get involved:
Visit our website, join us on zoom, come to any service, event or activity!